Probono Cause

Probono Cause

Probono Cause 2023-2024

Pro Bono Cause 2023-2024


In our commitment to giving back to society and uplifting vulnerable communities, MENA City Lawyers - MCL Lebanon has chosen to dedicate its Pro Bono Campaign for 2023-2024 to the pressing issue of domestic violence against spouses and children.


At MCL Lebanon, we recognize the urgency for robust legal protection for disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals in society. Through our Pro Bono Campaign, our aim is to bridge the gap, reaching out to those who often find legal protection inaccessible or unaffordable, while simultaneously raising awareness about the issue of domestic violence.


Domestic violence, particularly against women and children, remains a serious concern in Lebanon. Statistics indicate that at least 3 in 4 women in Lebanon experience some form of domestic violence during their lives. This alarming reality fuels our resolve to contribute to transforming these conditions and offering legal aid to the victims of domestic violence.


In this mission, MCL Lebanon will collaborate with several recognized organizations working against domestic violence. Together, we aim to provide comprehensive, free legal services covering all aspects of penal cases related to domestic violence. By offering such legal advice and aid, we aim to protect victims of domestic violence and support the myriad of non-profit organizations that share our vision.


MCL Lebanon will meticulously review each case, and in line with our commitment to making a tangible difference, we will select three cases each month for which we will provide free legal aid. We believe that this initiative will not only provide immediate relief to victims but will also be instrumental in building a safer, more equitable future.